cleantech analysis and consulting

Learn more about Kachan & Co. cleantech capital matchmaking

In CBS MarketWatch

“Governments will start to rearchictect what we mean by cities and urban planning around an electric vehicle infrasrtucture. And this is relatively new—as recently as a year ago, we were still talking about the possibility of fuel cell vehicles. Well, the jury is in, and the future of transportation looks to be all-electric. The only question is when.”

— Dallas Kachan

2010 Outlook: Clean Tech's Big Year Ahead, November 30, 2009

Globally-diversified portfolio of geothermal development & production assets

Cleantech company seeking capital as of February 25, 2011
Executive summary of company's business: 

See the company's corporate presentation, link to our website follows:

Ram Power, Ormat, US Geothermal, Nevada Geothermal, Raser
Differentiation vs. competitors: 
1) Globally diversified for regulatory risk management and best opportunities, 2) Portfolio of assets across full cycle from exploration through development and to prodcution, allows capital growth opportunities while still generating utility cash flows, 3) Specialized talent drawn from global centers of excellence in respective fields
Key team members: 
Please see following link:
Existing investors and capitalization details: 
See the company's corporate presentation, link to our website follows:
Capital sought & use of proceeds: 
See the company's corporate presentation, link to our website follows:
Characteristics of ideal investors: 
Patient longer-term (5+ year) investors looking either for significant ($25mm+) equity stake to capture full opportunities of pipeline, or for project or portfolio-specific investment. Experience & depth in global cleantech investment and capital markets greatly appreciated.
Expected close date: 
February, 2011
Financial statements: 
Company name: 
Magma Energy Corporation
Contact name: 
Anders Kruus
Contact email:


625 Howe Street Suite 410
Vancouver, BC V6C 2T6
Phone: 604-646-1882
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