Kachan in VentureBeat
“China has positioned itself very well as the clean technology minerals leader. The rest of the world is years behind them. The U.S. has no commercial rare earth element refining operations. China effectively has a strangle hold on the rare earth elements needed for cleantech.”
Afghanistan’s lithium Eureka: A big win for China, or another Bolivia?, Jun 14, 2010
Latest report
Novel high performance composition and structure of fuel cell catalysts
Platinum or platinized catalysts for fuel cells have been extensively researched and developed over decades. However, the foreseeing of the rising of platinum is also standing. Reducing and replacing platinum used in the fuel cell have been an extensive developed for potential massive commercialization. however, according to the recent technology and market review, without a revolutionary technology, the commercialization of the fuel cell technology is expected in 2050. Is there a technology not only possess the unique composition advantage but also possesses structure advantages that can reduce the loading of Platinum even replace the platinum catalysts? Is there a technology that can be utilized in different fuel cell systems? Blue-O Tech trusts that their patent pending nanotechnology is the right candidate. Their recent research data of non-platinum catalysts show that the performance of their catalysts are twice better than the commercial ones and close to the commercial supported Platinum catalyst. Blue-O Tech plans to further develop prototype tests with their novel catalysts to show the real potential of their technology.
Blue-O Tech team projects that our prototype research and development will be finished within in 12 to 18 months with sufficient funding is acquired. During this period, we will promote our catalyst layer to to 20 world Fuel cell companies on their fuel cell systems and establish a strong collaboration or strategy partnership for potential business customers.
Due to the potential massive wanting market and the zeal of clean energy from the public, the real market value is overwhelming.
We are seeking an equity capital investment of $4.0 million dollars in order to speed up and extend our research development on our novel fuel cell catalyst technology.
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