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Kachan in San Francisco Chronicle

"The industry and supply chain that grew around this entrenched trillion-dollar complex has suppressed better alternatives. That's about to change."

— Dallas Kachan

China to Leapfrog America in Nuclear Advances, Nov. 21, 2011

Research into the future of cleantech

Cleantech insight. Coverage of emerging trends and innovative companies.

Kachan & Co. publishes reports investigating medium to long term trends in cleantech that you need to know about. Are you an investor, entrepreneur, large corporation or equipment vendor? Our insight can save you money. Or make you money. Or both.

Agriculture is soon to be revolutionized by clean technology that expands yields, increases efficiencies and addresses toxicity concerns. Some co's will benefit. Some will need to manage risk. A new report from Kachan & Co.

How can cleantech companies do business in Japan most effectively?

Kachan & Co. surveyed 52 Japan-based experts for their tips and advice for Western companies. Learn what we found. Download this new, free report now.

How can cleantech companies around the world do business in China most effectively? Kachan & Co. surveyed 48 China-based experts for their tips and advice for Western companies. Learn what we found. A free report.

Mining developer American Manganese is preparing to produce electrolytic manganese metal with dramatically less power and water. Possible? What are the company's chances of success? Might it indeed impact the market for manganese—critical for steel, lithium ion batteries and other cleantech products?

Japan’s close call notwithstanding, nuclear will remain an important baseload power source worldwide. And after decades of relative inactivity, companies in China, Europe and elsewhere are poised to reinvigorate the industry with innovations aimed at overcoming the historical objections to nuclear power as we know it today. Which companies are best positioned to open a new nuclear chapter, and why? Read this report by Kachan & Co.

A layman’s overview of the basic principles of water management. Describes pros and cons of contemporary water practices, and explains how selected businesses manage their water resources. A must-read for company executives charged with setting corporate water strategy.

A new type of renewable natural gas from sustainable sources could eventually complement solar and wind as a primary source of utility-grade renewable energy. Chemically similar to fossil-based natural gas, it holds the promise of being transportable in existing pipelines and useable in today’s equipment. Who are the leading vendors of existing equipment and of the most exciting emerging technologies, and where are the opportunities likely to be? Read this report by Kachan & Co. 

It’s still very early, but interest is growing in technologies to make electricity from osmosis. Osmotic-power technologies capture energy created when salt water and fresh water mix, a process that happens naturally in deltas and estuaries around the world. But can these technologies overcome efficiency, cost and scale-up challenges quickly enough to be commercially viable and make a difference?

Who are the leading vendors, and where are the opportunities today? Read this report by Kachan & Co. 

Tiny Toronto lighting vendor Cavet Technologies thinks it's got a game changer. The company has introduced a lighting controller it claims can lower the power consumption of a whole fluorescent light circuit by 35%+ with a single plug in box. If true, it could represent a new type of lighting controller, easier to install and less expensive. Which could spell trouble for existing lighting controller and LED fixture companies. 

But is the company's power wave-shaping science real? What do customers say? Read this report by Kachan & Co.