cleantech analysis and consulting

Kachan in Business in Vancouver

"There's a wonderful entrepreneurial scientific, research-and-development culture in Canada. What Canada lacks is large sums of investment capital and connections to multinational corporations."

— Dallas Kachan

Hot tech companies seek cold cash jump-start, May 2nd, 2011

Cleantech investment

Kachan & Co. introduces early and growth stage cleantech companies to capital through three programs. 

Hello Cleantech™
Cleantech companies accepted into Kachan's free Hello Cleantech program are introduced via email to to 7,000 investors worldwide. No application costs. Investors register at no cost and receive an email with new cleantech dealflow every month.

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Northern Cleantech Showcase
Take your show on the road. Cleantech companies seeking capital can apply to Kachan & Co.'s Northern Cleantech Showcase events that bring the most promising companies to investors and corporate customers around the world. No application or presentation fees.

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Active matchmaking
In a hurry to raise capital? Kachan & Co. can research investors that match a given company's criteria and make direct introductions. After years of working with the power players of the industry, our cleantech investor contacts are significant.

contact us for specifics