cleantech analysis and consulting

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Kachan in Wall St. Journal

Chinese companies in clean-technology sectors lead the world in the number of initial public offerings for the last five quarters, according to industry analyst Dallas Kachan, of San Francisco-based Kachan & Co.

Climate Talks in Tianjin Put Spotlight on China - Oct 3, 2010


Dallas Kachan, Managing Partner

Dallas is former managing director and executive editor of the Cleantech Group, credited with coining the term cleantech and founding the cleantech investment class. He is author of 400+ cleantech articles and reports, a regular speaker at cleantech events worldwide and is cited widely as a cleantech market dynamics and technology expert.
Quoted in the press
Cleantech articles & reports by Dallas Kachan
Cleantech events Dallas Kachan has spoken at

Full bio and high resolution photo 

“Dallas Kachan, principal author, [understands his] industry as well as anyone.”

-Triple Pundit, November 30th, 2009

Dana Childs, Analyst

Dana has a long background with cleantech. He was one of the founding reporter/editors for Inside Greentech, the first trade publication focused on the cleantech industry, acquired in 2007 by the Cleantech Group. He has interviewed and written about hundreds of clean technology companies, served as in-house corporate communications for a variety of corporations adopting clean technologies, and has technology PR agency experience with Fishbein Partners in Toronto, Canada. He is based in Toronto.

Jennifer Kho, Contributor

Jennifer contributes to print and Web publications such as The New York Times' Green Inc. blog, Earth2Tech, Renewable Energy World, DailyFinance and PV Magazine. Her stories also have appeared in outlets such as,,,, The Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times and MIT's Technology Review. Jennifer was previously founding editor of Greentech Media, where she helped launch the company's news site in 2007. She has reported for Red Herring magazine, the Bay Area News Group and the Los Angeles Times' community newspapers.

Tyler Hamilton, Contributor 

Tyler is a columnist for the Toronto Star, Canada's largest daily newspaper. His weekly column discusses trends, happenings and innovators in the clean technology and green energy market. He's also been publishing his personal blog Clean Break since April 2005, regarded as one of the most important blogs in cleantech.

Trevor Curwin, Contributor

Trevor is a frequent cleantech contributor for and other NBC Universal outlets, and environmental reporter for tech blog He also writes for other media outlets, including The Examiner newspapers,, Environmental Finance, and Sustainable Industries. As a consultant, Trevor has helped several cleantech startups with market research and positioning, focused especially on utility-scale renewables. Prior to this, he worked on strategic marketing and capital formation in alternative assets for Bank of America.

Mark Halper, Contributor

Mark is a UK-based contributor to TIME and the Independent on Sunday who has also written for Fortune, the Financial Times, Forbes, the New York Times, Wired and others. He focuses on renewable energy and has written from London, New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Cairo, Cannes, Berlin, Helsinki and elsewhere. Before turning his attention to clean technology, Mark spotted emerging trends in the clash between telecom, media and technology firms.

Megan Amaral, Associate

Megan has held a variety of management positions in nonprofits, government organizations, and co-operative enterprises. She has sold everything from art classes to natural foods, always promoting companies and products that have integrity and value. In several of her past positions she was a liaison between business and local communities, identifying customer needs and building partnerships to meet shared goals. Megan holds a B.A. from Goddard College and an M.S. in Community Development from UC Davis.

Melanie ter Borg, Associate

Melanie ter Borg has international experience in scientific research, and has worked with government, academia, and start-ups. She holds a B.Sc. (UBC), an M.A. (Anglia Polytechnic in the UK), and is trained in Sustainability Management (UBC). She has co-authored a number of scientific papers and is co-founder and VP of the EcoUrbia Network, a not-for-profit sustainability portal engaged in education, food-security and waste reduction initiatives.

Ellisa Feinstein, Consultant

Ellisa has worked in clean tech as a sustainability and communications consultant with a variety of organizations and projects, including environmental and carbon management firms, a hydrokinetic energy start-up, city government and non-profits. She also has experience in corporate social responsibility gained by working with Oracle through a PR agency, where she also managed numerous technology accounts. Ellisa received an MBA in sustainable management from Presidio Graduate School. She resides in San Francisco.