by Dallas Kachan

"They fail to realize these countries also put more money into seeking clean technology solutions than the United States does, and South Korea puts more money into cleantech than any other country in the world on a per capita basis."

Dallas Kachan

Great Opportunities In China, India and South Korea, Fall 2011 issue

“We’re running out of the tools we need, the food and water we require today, let alone for the population tomorrow. Long-term, it’s hard to argue that the fundamental drivers of a cleantech market are going away. Even in a down market, we’re still running out of the building blocks for modern society.”

Dallas Kachan

Market tantrum scares cleantech investors, Aug 8, 2011

“The biggest challenge in solar-cost reduction is not module price, but balance-of-system costs. It takes time and money to fasten panels in place, run cabling and install inverters.”

Dallas Kachan

Department of Energy invests $50M in solar panel manufacturing, Aug 2, 2011

“Mass market EV adoption will be driven by the world’s leading automakers, like BMW, which will leverage their mass production, distribution and service channels. It will ultimately be the automotive giants that will win the EV race, we predict.”

Dallas Kachan

BMW lays down its cards in electric car market, July 29, 2011

“Why pursue ethanol—with its energy balance, temperature-based performance and storage limitations—when we can now create bio-based fuels without those limitations?”

Dallas Kachan

Another Chance For King Coal, Jun 13, 2011

“In an uncertain venture environment, capital raises in clean-tech are taking longer than ever. Hello Cleantech was designed to provide maximum benefit to clean technology companies with zero out-of-pocket costs.”

Dallas Kachan

Companies to woo clean-tech investors with a hello, June 2, 2011
