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In Treehugger

“Osmotic power isn't dependent on large visible arrays of hardware in fields or on skylines.”

— Dallas Kachan

Osmotic Power Could Generate Electricity for Half of Europe by 2030 - Strong Emphasis on Could, June 14, 2010

Quoted in the press by Dallas Kachan

Kachan is former managing director and executive editor of the Cleantech Group.

“Osmotic power isn't dependent on large visible arrays of hardware in fields or on skylines.”

— Dallas Kachan

Osmotic Power Could Generate Electricity for Half of Europe by 2030 - Strong Emphasis on Could, June 14, 2010

“The promise of osmotic power is significant and an industry is beginning to emerge.”

— Dallas Kachan

Power from osmosis? New twist on water-generated electricity, June 9, 2010

“There are still technical, permitting and regulatory hurdles.”

— Dallas Kachan

Osmotic Power: Where Fresh and Salty Water Meet, June 9, 2010

“If the DOE loan is dependent on Musk retaining a certain percentage of Tesla, there is no guarantee that this won’t happen due to [his] divorce settlement. Investors should bear that in mind.”

— Dallas Kachan

Tesla backs up: New S-1 language tackles Musk finances, divorce, June 2, 2010

“It’s up to the courts to decide, but this feels like material information.”

— Dallas Kachan

Tesla’s Elon Musk: “I ran out of cash”, May 27, 2010

“Every courtship begins with a first dance.”

— Dallas Kachan

Will Tesla and Toyota create as many jobs as hoped? May 21, 2010